korea pre wedding outdoor photoshoot couple Review



Hello, Im Lim’s wedding story. This time, the couple went outdoor photoshoot.^^ The white wedding dress always makes me feel happy. When I saw couple at first time, couple were pure and funny.  I started shooting the outdoor wedding scene with a couple of cheers for the couple.

Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you enjoy the wonderful memories of Korean wedding photoshoot!!


안녕하세요 임군의웨딩스토리입니다..^^ 함께 야외에서 커플사진촬영을 진행하신 커플이십니다. 처음 두분을 뵈었을때 밝고 즐거워하셨어요!! 그리고 촬영이 진행되는 동안에 참 즐거웠습니다!! 요즘은 셀프웨딩촬영이 많이 늘어남에 따라서 문의도 늘어나고 있는듯해요!! 두분의 행복한 웨딩촬영 추억을 함께 해주셔서 감사드리며 항상 행복하시길 바랍니다^^




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